What's Yours To Say?

You're invited to join me and a group of brave change-makers for an in-person, weekend retreat where we'll dig in to your stories, your wisdom, your voice and get crystal clear about what's yours alone to say. 

If you've heard the call to speak, you know you have something to say, and you don't want to die with your message and your stories still inside you -- THIS WEEKEND IS FOR YOU. 

What you have to say might serve your business, but this is bigger than that. This is about YOUR POWER and YOUR VOICE and YOUR TRUTH that the world is waiting to hear. 

Here's what you'll walk away with :

  • The language to articulate what's at the heart of your message with clarity and confidence 

  • A treasure chest of stories that support your Big Idea and the tools to tell them well. 

  • The confidence to take a stand for your ideas and share them with a wider audience, from whatever stage best serves your message

During our time together we'll do your most important work before actually writing the talk. We'll dive deeply into your ideas and the stories that support them. You'll have time to savor the exploration into what you really want to say -- you might surprise yourself, say something you didn't know you knew, access a piece of your genius that's been kept in hiding. 

Once these foundational pieces are in place, the rest of the talk-building process becomes much easier. 

We'll meet IN PERSON in Lafayette, CO, April 25-27

Thursday evening, 5:30-8:30pm
Friday 9:30am-5:30pm
Saturday 10am-8:30pm *(a light dinner will be served before an evening of sharing and celebration!) 

Wanna chat first? Schedule a call HERE

Ready or not, here we go! 

$750.00 USD