Storytelling Secrets
from a Story Slam Expert

Ever imagined telling a story
on stage at the story slam?

[Don’t know about Boulder’s story slam? Check it out HERE.]

Perhaps you’ve imagined the fun of delighting the audience.
Sharing a little nugget of wisdom.
Getting some laughs, or uproarious applause at the end.
Making a connection.
Maybe even winning?

You’ve imagined yourself on stage, but you sit in the audience every time, making sure your hand doesn’t get anywhere near THE DREADED HAT.

The stage feels like it’s a million miles away. It’s big and scary. All those people. The lights. Those dragons. The moat you have to cross to get to the stage.


Or maybe you’ve told a story and it fell flat. Didn’t quite land. You got blown off the stage by the dreaded blowhorn cuz you kinda got off track, wandered down some back roads, and never made it to that great punchline you had planned.

Totally bombed and left the stage with your head between your knees, vowing never to tell a story again.

Like, ever.

I know you’re not in it for the win, BUT

Imagine getting a big, fat personal win when you get your story crafted and on stage delivered to your beloved Truth Be Told audience.

You will be the hero in your own story!
You won’t want to stop!
You’ll put your name in the hat every time!

You’re in luck. I’ve got just the ticket:

A 5-week course to craft your story
WEDNESDAYS, May 24-June 21, 6:30-8:45pm
no class June 7 / showcase June 22


You’ll get all my best storytelling secrets, and you’ll walk away with a story to tell at the slam, PLUS the confidence to actually follow through, put your name in the hat, AND DELIVER IT. 
Yes. On stage at Truth Be Told.

(Of course you can tell your story anywhere…at a dinner table, at The Moth in Denver, at a business meeting, at a wedding…but we’re aiming for the Truth Be Told stage)

I’ll show you how to structure your story so it feels easy & natural to tell. You’ll have a clear format to help you stay within the time limit and keep your audience engaged.

Not only keep them engaged.

I’ll show you how to knock their socks off.


Here’s what we’ll cover:

1. DIG:
Find the stories that are yours to tell

  • Based on the story slam themes of 2017, come up with a treasure chest of stories
  • Learn what makes a story a story, and which ones are the best to tell
  • Uncover the essential elements of a GREAT STORY

Craft the Narrative Arc

  • Craft the arc of a story in a way that builds interest and momentum
  • Learn which parts of the story to leave in, which parts to leave out
  • Discover how to use details and the senses to enhance the relatability of the story

Move Your Audience To Action

  • Build suspense, curiosity and engagement so audiences say “TELL ME MORE!”
  • Bring more of YOURSELF to the stage and reach the people you’re meant to serve.
  • ENLIVEN your words to bring fresh and powerful ENERGY to your speaking.

What you’ll get:

  • We’ll work with the 2017 themes for TRUTH BE TOLD, so you can select the story you tell based on the upcoming themes, if you’d like.
  • You’ll get a 30 minute private session with me to get laser sharp story coaching from me.
  • Plus we’ll gather for an informal sharing of your stories for the group and some invited guests–so you get a chance to tell it “on stage” before you hit the big stage of Truth Be Told.

ALL THAT for $249

Storytelling is way more fun with a friend, so bring one and get an extra $50 off!! ($450 for 2 people!)

It’s a screamin deal, and it’s gonna be big fun. Come join us!

WEDNESDAYS, May 24-June 21, 6:30-8:45pm
no class June 7 / showcase June 22


photo by Katie Day Weisberger