FEARLESS SOLOS: writing and performing your stories


Kate Mikayan performs her solo "SING!"

Kate Mikayan performs her solo “SING!”

Wanna tell a BIGGER, DEEPER, WIDER version of it with your whole BODY and VOICE?

Wanna reclaim the parts of your voice you’ve been keeping under wraps?

Wanna change the world by speaking your truth?


Here’s your chance!

In this ten week series, you will

  • Write, develop and perform  a 10-15 minute embodied solo performance that tells YOUR STORY and speaks YOUR TRUTH.
  • Create the piece that ONLY YOU can create!
  • Work collaboratively in a SAFE and deeply SUPPORTIVE environment while your fears wait patiently outside the door.
  • Step through fear into the transformative, dynamic power of TRUTH-SPEAKING.
  • Wake up to the power of your authentic PRESENCE.
  • Write your BODY, move your VOICE, enliven your WORDS while you dig for your STORIES.


You don’t have to be fearless to take this class! All fears, trepidations, wobbly knees, sweaty palms and quickly beating hearts warmly welcomed and gently invited to the table!


Wednesdays, 6:30-9pm

March 5 – May 14, 2014


$490 includes:

  • 10 weekly class sessions
  • a performance for invited guests at Wesley Chapel Performance Space
  • juicy writing prompts to help you dig for the most compelling stories
  • step-by-step guidance through the process of making your solo
  • a full hour of direction and tech support with Johanna before the performance
  • email and phone support between sessions
  • special discounts on additional private sessions with Johanna
  • a cohort of brave fellow travelers on the journey


[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’]http://www.johannawalker.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/JWalker_187.jpg[/author_image] [author_info]Johanna Walker has been making original solo and ensemble theater, dance, improvisation and spoken word works for over fifteen years. She holds an MFA in Theater: Contemporary Performance from Naropa University, and has performed throughout the US and Canada in theaters, studios, street corners, bathrooms and subway stations. She’s taught writing and performance making to kids, teenagers, senior adults and everyone in between, and loves what happens when we witness one another telling our stories and being our full human selves.[/author_info] [/author]


Wendy Drake performs her solos "Running to Thousand Letter"

Wendy Drake performs her solo “Running to Thousand Letters”

Jonathan Grassi performs his solo "The End"

Jonathan Grassi performs his solo “The End”



From Participants:

[box] “The experience of working with Fearless Solos allowed me to get out of the routine, the mundane, and reignite the fire and passion for storytelling through movement, breath and word. Johanna led us through a variety of experiences to create reflexes of expansion, rather than contraction, and in doing so helped us birth stories that may have otherwise been untold. This is a wonderful opportunity to crack open and find the seeds that often lie dormant. Feed, water and provide light and a beautiful thing can be born. I find that sometimes I have to get out of my own way to allow for what aches to be born.” —Erin Anderson,[/box]

[box] “This class was, without fail, the reboot to my week. It reset me. It turned me back in to my creative side, to the energies and inspirations that are all too easy to neglect. It revitalized me. The combination of physical movement and creative output and sharing formed a perfect booster for my spirit, my body, and my writing. What else can I say? I loved this class. I wrote stuff I’m proud of, I wrote stuff that revealed things I wasn’t aware of before, I performed things I didn’t think I had in me, I rediscovered why I love writing and performing and why it’s important. I laughed my ass off, I wept over a cheese grater for the first time in my life, and I got to both delve into childhood memories and discover myself as an adult. I wrote stuff that hurt, I wrote stuff that sucked, I wrote stuff that made no goddamned sense, but it felt good because I was writing.” –Denali H., non-profit operations manager [/box]

[box] “I learned that we all are working with our own edges and from there is where we perform.  This class provides this in an ABSOLUTELY beautiful way! I was surprised left and right in this class. It brought up many internal and external struggles and allowed me to really be honest and clear in addressing them. I was surprised by how my performance unfolded itself in its own organic way and the confidence that came from pushing many aspects of myself while also being supported by Johanna and the group. I was surprised at how much I enjoy performing! I would describe this class as Kick Ass Awesome! It pushed me to my own edge. It supported me in standing at the edge and sprouting wings for flight. The class allows for comfortable risk taking into the realm of the self and beyond!” –Regina Stribling, visionary [/box]

[box] “I can be a pretty tough judge, but I loved this class and I loved working with Johanna. The work (and play) I did in there continues to reverberate in my life in very healing ways. Through writing and movement and great feedback, I was able to dive into a story that has caused me a lot of suffering in my life and come out with a new appreciation for myself and my life and some of what it means to be human. What a gift! I’m really grateful to the class and to Johanna.”    –David Lang Kessem, singer/songwriter[/box]

[box] “This class was a great, possibly life changing experience. I learned I could be true to myself. The class provided a mechanism/structure to explore a critical topic that quiet frankly I did not have the discipline or skills to process that deeply  —  when it got tough Johanna and other participants were there for me  — the overall experience enabled me to make strides much more quickly and effectively than I could have alone.” –Stephanie Davis, LEAN Manufacturing management consultant[/box]

[box] “Johanna provided us with a safe and nurturing environment in which I could take risks as a first-time writer and performer.  This was such a positive experience for me.  Even though it was scary taking the stage for the first time, the response I got from the audience was very affirming.  I discovered that I could not only share my story but be entertaining as well.  This experience boosted my confidence and enriched my life and I look forward to taking this class again!”  —Jocelyn Barcelon, sales consultant[/box]

From Audience Members:

[box] “That was better than anything I’ve seen on Broadway, and totally worth a Broadway ticket price.” –Tanya Meyer[/box]

[box] “Such a profound exercise in creating beauty with truth. We are so lucky to witness these Life Lines. Thank you!” Megan Zubaedi [/box]

[box] “Thank you for your courage to awaken courage!” –Jennie Gershaler Lopez [/box]

[box] “Woah! Incredibly powerful!” –Jessica Yoder [/box]

[box] “You rock, Johanna. You supported the uprooting and unveiling of beautiful, powerful, healing stories.” –Lorene Wapotich [/box]

[box] “Fantastic magic!” –Aimee Eddins [/box]

[box] “This was fresh and raw and beautiful.” –Teresa Peterson [/box]

[box] “Amazing. Everyone was so well-spoken and delivered their truths so well.” –Aprille Jordan [/box]